To tell the truth, I have been looking for an excuse to write an article on the local soccer club that I have been writing checks to for over 12 years. When Fishers Soccer Club merged with Noblesville SC and IPSC, and added to their coaching staff (2) members of the new Indy Eleven professional soccer team, I finally found that opportunity.
As a parent of three kids – who all are currently playing on a team as I type, I can’t say enough about the program that they have all experienced or are currently involved in. My oldest, when she was five, wanted to play soccer. She was the kid that stood around and watched – while ON THE FIELD – and observed the other girls running and furiously kicking a ball, and sometimes other players, to get it into a goal. She would incidentally touch the ball now and then and I was shocked she wanted to keep playing. She is an observer, and was learning it first, then slowly began to participate, as she was visualizing the field like a game of chess. She was the perfect kid for a coach to “develop” into a talented player. There are some coaches who only like working with and are only useful to coaching already naturally athletically talented kids, and most enjoy the development of players. My kid was always on the third team once she started travel. She was long-legged and awkward through puberty – and it is during this phase of growth that kids either excel in their sports or fall off. She started to excel, but it wasn’t without the proper coaching and encouragement, which she fortunately received through this soccer club. The coaches have been incredible. So this kid, who is a bright, talented goalkeeper, persevered and made it to the top team once she got to U15. And now she is her high school varsity team and has some opportunities to play at the collegiate level. While we are unclear if that will happen (she is more focused on academics and is not interested in playing D1) she loves the game and I credit her coaches at Indy Premier – most of whom are still there. Not bad for being on the “C” team.
The other aspect of Indy Premier that is incredible, is their aggressiveness with their goalkeeping training. Kirby Valle, who played at Tennessee and Butler (after her mom suffered a stroke during her freshman year at Tennessee, she abandoned a full-ride scholarship to be closer to home and help take care of her mom and went on to play women’s semi-pro as a keeper – and a side note, the ONLY position at the time for Tennessee women’s soccer that was a full-ride is that of GK) is heading up the GK coaches, which includes Jason Ballack (played at Wright State and professionally) and German GK, starting Indy Eleven keeper Kristian Nicht. It is now mandatory attendance for all GKs in training to attend 2x per week – depending on age. This is crazy awesome! Indy Premier is creating an amazing base of success and support for soccer players on the northeast side of Indianapolis. I am happy that my boys are benefiting from this!
I love that so many kids have the opportunity to participate in so many different sports, and having a support group of coaches who really care about your child helps tremendously. I am grateful that my daughter was not on the top teams initially. I have watched the attitudes and superiority complexes of the kids who have always been on the top team, and while many are truly talented, natural athletes and continue to improve, many have fallen off…for once you are at the top for so long, it is hard to cope with not. Parenting and support come in handy in those cases, as they are delicate and challenging. Regardless of the experience we have with our boys, I know that they will continue to love the game and you never know from all the kids out on the field, which one will some day be the next greatest soccer coach ever, having played at a supportive club as a kid.
Full article on Indy Premier is found in the Sept. issue of and, part of the Towne Post Media Network